Friday, 24 April 2020

What Makes Integrative Medicine Tick in the 21st Century

Integrative medicine learns about the mind-body system to offer assistance in overcoming a health condition. Our body works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, it's the imbalance in the body that's the root cause or causes more damage than the disease itself. People are learning about the benefits of integrative therapy programs to cure minor and chronic diseases. Ayurveda has been promoting the cause of inner healing and natural remedies for centuries now. The 21st century isn't different from old times. The human mind operates in similar ways. What has changed is people are willing to include alternative medicine along with allopathic treatment nowadays. It's still a comeback for alternative therapy given it spent decades in the unknown.

1. Integrative Medicine and Patient-Based Treatment Program
Every patient is unique and integrative medicine treats them with care, attention. A patient's lifestyle and other existing health conditions make a part of the treatment. The work-life balance is again a decisive factor. These factors shouldn't be overlooked while treating a patient. The patient may be able to make a recovery, however, it doesn't imply he's healthy. These patients are standing on the edge. They're vulnerable to the same health condition, and this time the damage could be severe. Alternative medicine focuses on finding the root cause of the health condition to make an overall recovery. They rely upon the collective energy to overcome the symptoms and cure the disease.

The process of finding a shared connection behind the mind-body imbalance works in favour of patients. In any form of treatment, one cannot focus on a single aspect and neglect the other ones. The emotional and spiritual wellbeing could make a significant difference to the outcome. Treating the physical symptoms and what's seen on the outside has been the undoing of modern science. Patients struggling against lifestyle diseases is proof of it. Lifestyle diseases are on the rise, and one of the reasons is the treatment is far too focused on medication and ignoring other aspects.

2. Integrative Medicine and Healthy Living
Integrative medicine works on changing the old and corrupted living habits with healthier ones. It includes meditation, yoga, quality sleep, staying away from smoking and alcohol, exercise routine etc. The basics have caused distress in modern society. The role played by a physician-and-patient partnership is integral to achieving long-lasting results. The regular sessions talking about health and positive impact of new habits draw a sense of belief, hope. These two aspects- Hope and faith, are the pillars of recovery no matter which disease you're fighting.

The combination of conventional and alternative medicine paves the path for short and long-term recovery. It makes sense to work on all aspects of health to increase your chances of winning against the health condition.